This page uses the Three.js 3D JavaScript library to show real-time double-difference hypocenter locations of earthquakes in Northern California. The box below is centered on event 73887536, which has the following hypoDD-RT solution:
Date: 2023/05/13 | Time: 07:14:39.870 | Latitude: 36.03300 | Longitude: -120.59730 | Depth: 2.620 | Magnitude: 0.50
Quality: -9 | Shift: -9 | Version: 2.0The high-resolution background seismicity included in the box comes from two double-difference catalogs. Hypocenters for the years 1984-2011 are taken from the DD base catalog for Northern California (NCAeqDD.v201112.1). Hypocenters from 2012 up to present are taken from the real-time double-difference catalog DD-RT (NCAeqDDRT.v201201). Earthquakes from the DD catalog are represented by gray dots, those from the DD-RT catalog by colored dots.
There are 6359 earthquakes in the box. Magnitude cutoff is 1 (except for events within the last week).
Viewer instructions:
3D applet written by Robert Simpson (USGS), Felix Waldhauser and Eric Malikowski (LDEO).
Time created: Tue May 16 02:10:18 UTC 2023